The set list for S8 Fusion Arts has been revealed.
Boltund VMAX and Greedent VMAX are revealed.
Card translations come again from ToineLay, thank you!
Boltund VMAX
LC - Lightning Storm 30+
This attack does 30 more damage for each Lightning Energy attached to all of your Pokémon.
LLC - Max Bolt 240
This Pokémon can't use Max Bolt during your next turn.
Greedent VMAX
CC - Big Stocks 30
If your opponent’s Basic Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 2 more Prize cards.
CCC - Max Greed 160
Draw 3 cards.
Greedent V
CC - Body Slam 40
Flip a coin, if heads your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
CCC - Greedy Fangs 120
Draw 3 cards.
Battle VIP Pass
You can only use this card on your first turn.
Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokémon and put them onto your Bench. then shuffle your deck.
Cross Receiver
You must play 2 Cross Receiver cards at once to use this card (its effect works once for 2 cards).
Put a Pokémon or Supporter card from your discard pile into your hand.
Your opponent reveals their hand. Discard up to 2 in any combination of Stadium, Special Energy, or Pokémon Tool cards from it.
Galarian Cursola
P - Forced Revival
Choose a Basic Pokémon V in your opponent's discard pile, and put it onto their bench. Then put damage counters on that Pokémon until its remaining HP is 30.
PCC - Spooky Shot 80
GCC - Ninja Tornado 120
If this Pokémon was on the Bench and became your Active Pokémon this turn, this attack can be used for G.
Sponge Gloves
Attacks from the Pokémon this card is attached to deal 30 more damage to your opponent's Active Water-type Pokémon.

F - Fire Gathering 20
Attach a Fire Energy from your discard pile to this Pokémon.
FFC - Elated Flame 90
If this Pokémon has at least 3 extra Energy attached to it (in addition to this attack's cost), this attack does 180 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

CCC - Bite 70
LLCC - Electro Blaster
Discard 2 Lightning Energy from this Pokémon. this attack does 200 damage to one of your opponent's Pokémon.

Ability: Blast Hurrah
If this Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from and opponent's attack, put 10 damage counters on the attacking Pokémon.
FCC - Double Edge 160
This Pokémon does 30 damage to itself.
ToineLay: The Ability name in Japanese is literally "Desperate Bomber", but I like a good pun more than controversy.
Set List
Previous Translations
CC - Let's Roll 20x
This attack does 20 damage for each of your Benched Pokémon that have the Let's Roll attack.
MCC - Barrel Attack 50
Ability - Pyukumuku Toss
If you have this card in your hand, you can use it once during your turn. Put this card on bottom of your deck. Then, draw a card from your deck. You can’t use more than 1 Pyukumuku Toss Ability each turn.
WCC - Knuckle Punch 50
Ability: Berserk
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, flip a coin. If heads, discard the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck. If tails, discard the top 5 cards of your deck
WWC - Crunch 140
Discard an Energy from your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
W - Avalanche
Discard the top 2 cards of your opponent’s deck.
WWC - Fist of the Destroyer 90+
This attack does 60 more damage for each damage counter on your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
C - Nosy
Which is Your opponent reveals their hand. Choose a card you find there and put it on the bottom of their deck.
CC - Double Slap 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage for each heads.
Cross Switcher
You must play 2 Cross Switcher cards at once to use this card (its effect works once for 2 cards).
Switch 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon. If you do, switch your Active Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Ability: Blue Assist
Once during your turn, you may attach a Psychic Energy from your hand to 1 of your Latias in play.
WWPC - Luster Purge 210
Discard 2 Energy from this Pokémon.
Ability: Red Assist
Once during your turn, you may attach a Psychic Energy from your hand to one of your Latios in play.
RPC - Dyna Barrier 70
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all damage done to this Pokémon by attacks from Pokémon VMAX
C - Icy Wind
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Asleep.
WWC - Blizzard Loop 160
Return all Energy attached to this Pokémon back into your hand.
W - Find Ice
Search your deck for up to 2 Water Energy cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Tsareena V
GC - Queen's Orders 20+
Discard as many of your Benched Pokémon as you like. This attack does 40 more damage for each Pokémon you discarded this way.
F - Headbutt 30
FCC - Pinch Formation 60+
If your opponent has exactly 1 Prize card left, this attack does 160 more damage.
CC - Cross Fusion
Choose one of your Benched Fusion Pokémon's attacks, and use it as this attack.
PP - Max Miracle 130
This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon.
Mew V
P - Energy Mix
Attach an Energy from your deck to one of your Fusion Pokémon. Then shuffle your deck.
PC - Psycho Jump 70
You may shuffle this Pokémon and all cards attached to it back into your deck.
Hoopa V
Ability: Double-faced
While this Pokémon is in play, it is both Psychic and Dark Type.
DDC - Shadow Impact 170
Put 3 damage counters on 1 of your Pokémon.
Genesect V
Ability: Fusion System
Once during your turn, you may draw cards until you have as many cards in hand as you have Fusion Pokémon in play.
MMC - Techno Buster 210
This Pokémon can't attack during your next turn.
Elesa's Radiance
(Supporter - Fusion)
Choose up to 2 of your Fusion Pokémon in play. For each Pokémon you chose, search your deck for a "Fusion Energy" card and attach it to that Pokémon. Then shuffle your deck.
Chili, Cilan & Cress
(Supporter - Fusion)
Search your deck for up to 3 Fusion Pokémon, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Power Tablets
(Item - Fusion)
During this turn, your Fusion Pokémon’s attacks do 30 more damage to your opponent’s Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
Fusion Energy
This card can only be attached to a Fusion Pokémon.
As long as this card is attached to a Pokémon, it provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. Prevent all effects of your opponent's Abilities done to the Pokémon this card is attached to.
PC - Melodious Echo 70x
This attack does 70 damage for each "Fusion Energy" card attached to your Pokémon in play.
P - Fusion Assault 30x
This attack does 30 damage for each of your Fusion Pokémon in play.
PC - Speed Attack 120
P - Spooky Shot 20
PC - U-turn 30
You may switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
P - Gentle Wrap 10
The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
Ability: Rapid Strike Canceller
Your opponent's Rapid Strike Pokémon in play have no Abilities.
WC - Drain Kiss 50
Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.
Ability: Single Strike Jammer
Your opponent's Single Strike Pokémon's attacks cost one Colorless more.
WCC - Cavernous Chomp 80
Ability: Ardent Lessons
Your Fusion Pokémon in play take 20 less damage from your opponent's Pokémon's attacks. You can only apply one Fervorous Lessons Ability at a time.
RC - Dripping Passion
Put 5 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like
Ability: Max Downer
If all of your Pokémon in play are Fusion Pokémon, each of your opponent's VMAX Pokémon's max HP becomes 30 less.
LLC - Head Bolt 90
C - Growl
During your opponent’s next turn, the Defending Pokémon’s attacks do 30 less damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
L - Mini Bolt 10
C - Discard Sketch
Choose up to 2 Fusion Trainer cards from your discard pile, reveal them, and put them into your hand.
CCC - Tail Whap 80
Ability: Tricolor Scales
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, you may make your opponent’s Active Pokémon Poisoned, Burned and Confused.
GC - Gust 90
Ability: Exoskeleton
This Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
G - Ram 10
C - Swarm
Search your deck for a Caterpie and put it on your Bench. Then shuffle your deck.
G - Bug Bite 10
Ability: Gooey Room
As long as this Pokémon is in the Active position, whenever your opponent attaches an Energy from their hand to one of their Pokémon, they flip a coin. If tails, that Energy isn't attached and gets discarded instead.
WP - Buster Tail 120
ToineLay: I'm pretty confident the wording means the Energy was discarded but not attached, so your opponent still keeps their attachment for turn and can try attaching another Energy if they have one.
C - Melt 20
WP - Body Slam 50
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Skate Park
Whenever a Pokémon retreats, if Basic Energy is discarded to pay that retreat cost, that Basic Energy isn't discarded and returns to that player's hand instead.
Chandelure VMAX
Ability: Binding Haze
While this Pokémon is in the Active position, your opponent can't attach any Pokémon Tools from their hand.
RC - Max Poltergeist 70x
Your opponent reveals their hand. This attack does 70 damage for each Trainer card you find there.
Chandelure V
R - Confuse Ray
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Confused.
RC - Poltergeist 40x
Your opponent reveals their hand. This attack does 40 damage for each Trainer card you find there.
(Fusion) + (Single Strike) + (Rapid Strike)
CCC - Photon Burst 80+
If this Pokémon has any Fusion Energy attached, this attack does 80 more damage.
ToineLay: Yeah, it's all three styles at once :D
(Single Strike)
MCC - Ingot Swing 80
During your opponent's next turn, prevent all damage done to this Pokémon by attacks from Pokémon with any Abilities.
MMCC - Blast Hammer 150
Discard an Energy from this Pokémon.
(Rapid Strike)
W - Star Barrage
Discard any amount of W Energy from this Pokemon. Then, for each card you discarded this way, choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon and do 30 damage to it. (You can choose the same Pokemon more than once) Don't apply Weakness or Resistance
(Rapid Strike)
C - Water flood
Choose 1 water energy from your hand and attach it to this Pokemon
W - Spinning Attack 10
G - Peck 20
GC - Ditch and Shake 50x
Discard any number of Tool cards from your hand. This attack does 50 damage for each card you discarded in this way.
Boltund V
L - Smash Turn 30
You may switch this Pokémon with one of your Benched Pokémon.
LLC - Electro Bullet 120
This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
Ability: Dig Up
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, you may put up to 2 Pokémon Tools from your discard pile into your hand.
CCC - Bite 90
Carry-on Carillon
(Pokémon Tool)
If the Pokémon VMAX this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent’s attack, search your deck for any 1 card and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck
ToineLay: Or more literally "Big Bell of Vestiges", if you don't like puns
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