This guide provides the latest Card Rarity list for the Japanese Scarlet & Violet TCG, complete with the official Japanese names for each rarity and their pronunciation.
Updated April 19, 2024.
Basic rarities:
- R = Rare (レア - Rea) - This is a Holo card.
- U = Uncommon (アンコモン - Ankomon)
- C = Common (コモン - Komon)
Please note that the following list on how many cards you get per 1 box, is based on booster box openings and may contain inaccuracies. It's important to keep in mind that there is no official information about card ratios, and since 2021, the mention of "1 SR or better every booster box" has been stopped. Therefore, the projections of these card ratios are subject to change.
RR - Double Rare
ダブルレア - Dabururea
This is the most common rarity for ex cards.
Also Terastal ex cards fall under the same rarity, these cards are textured similar to RRR VMAX cards, however these seem to be 1 per box, but you are not guaranteed one.
You can get up to 4 or 5 RR ex cards (including Terastal ex) per box.
SR - Super Rare
スーパーレア- Sūpārea
This rarity is often mistaked with the term 'Secret Rare'.
These are usually Pokémon ex cards or Supporter cards and are textured.
You get 1 SR card or better per box guaranteed, and maybe 2 SR cards or better per box.
AR - Art Rare
アートレア - Ātorea
Introduced originally in VSTAR Universe. These are cards with special artwork that show the characteristics of a Pokémon. You get 3 AR cards guaranteed per booster box.
SAR - Special Art Rare
スペシャルアートレア - Supesharuātorea
Introduced originally in VSTAR Universe. These are ex cards or Supporter cards with special artwork that show the characteristics of a Pokémon or character. These cards also contain a layer of glitter foil, similar to HR Special Art cards from last generation.
You may get 1 SAR card per booster box. When pulled, it would the same slot as the SR card in 1 box.
UR - Ultra Rare
ウルトラレア- Urutorarea
These are usually Gold Cards.
Usually these could contain Item, Tool, Stadium, Energy or Gold Pokémon ex cards.
When pulled, it would the same slot as the SR card in 1 box.
エーススペック - Ēsusupekku
These are powerful trainer cards, you can only include 1 ACE SPEC card in your entire deck. They were introduced first back during the Black & White TCG series and have returned in Scarlet & Violet. These can be Item cards, Tool card or Special Energy cards.
You get 1 ACE SPEC card guaranteed per booster box.
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Thank you This helped a great deal very much appreciated .
Confusingly, the English and JP both use the UR Ultra Rare label, but to mean different things. Both use SR, but in Japanese SR means Super Rare, and English SR means Secret Rare (and neither has the other SR). Confusing!
Japanese SR (Super rare) = English UR (Ultra rare)
Japanese UR (Ultra rare) = English SR (Secret rare)
Oops, they don't both have SR, English calls the old Secret Rare (gold cards) now HR Hyper Rare instead.
Japanese SR (Super rare) = English UR (Ultra rare)
Japanese UR (Ultra rare) = English HR (Hyper rare)