Welcome to the PokeGuardian Podcast. This is the second episode. The host of the show will be Taj from PokeTaj, and Zakariya (PrimalLugia), the webmaster of PokeGuardian.
S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle was released last Friday and includes beautiful SR/HR/UR cards, we will also talk about the amazing Eevee on the Ball Pokémon Futsal Promo and a controversial reveal of the Zacian V League Battle Deck. S5 Single Strike Master / Rapid Strike Master has been confirmed to come for year 2 of Sword & Shield TCG.
Gold Zamazenta V / Zacian V are coming in the very luxurious Sword & Shield Elite Trainer Box Plus - Zacian or Zamazenta and the Ultra-Premium Collection - Zacian & Zamazenta, Jirachi GX Full Art has been found in TCGO along with the very cute Togepi, Cleffa & Igglybuff GX Special Art coming in the Small But Mighty Premium Collection.
The promo Charizard card from the 2nd Illustration Grand Prix has alot of hype now that is releasing next month, will it be scalped?
Lastly we will cover the set list of the new set that has released today called Champion's Path, some surprises are in there we did not expect.
0:00 - Intro
0:22- Card Pickups/Highlights
3:40 - S5 Single Strike Master / Rapid Strike Master
7:22 - Eevee on the Ball Pokémon Futsal Promo
12:36 - S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle Released
19:00 - Zacian V League Battle Deck
22:30 - Sword & Shield Elite Trainer Box Plus - Zacian or Zamazenta and the Ultra-Premium Collection - Zacian & Zamazenta
27:55 - Charizard promo card from the 2nd Illustration Grand Prix
33:35 - Jirachi GX Full Art found, Togepi, Cleffa & Igglybuff GX Special Art coming in the Small But Mighty Premium Collection.
37:03 - Champion's Path Set List
44:51 - Outro
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